Berlitz Language, Business and Cultural Training 

Free Webinar

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Free Webinars and training for professional development.

Join us for the latest language and business insights webinar series, with sessions covering topics ranging from communication skills to cross-cultural communication.

The Berlitz webinar series will be comprised of 90-minute training sessions designed for business professionals and leaders who work with colleagues or customers from different cultural backgrounds locally or globally. Each webinar will feature examples and tips to help businesses operate more effectively.

Free Webinar Skills and Coaching

Dynamic and participatory sessions led by a specialist consultant, lasting one and a half hours. You will be able to get to know and put into practice communication skills and styles, improving your techniques.

Through this webinar we will also discover how cultural differences influence our way of communicating.

Recommended level of English from B2.

Register free for the first webinar

Communication Skills - Thursday, 28th of May. 16:30h - 18:00h
Register →

What you can expect

Webinars are delivered by our trainers
Accès facile en voiture, tramway, bus et métro
Webinars are delivered via our virtual classroom
Apprenez confortablement installé chez vous
Login details are sent via email after registration
C’est vous qui décidez où et quand vos cours ont lieu
Series will provide useful insights into the programs
Taillé sur mesure en fonction de vos besoins individuels et de vos objectifs pédagogiques
Internationally recognised trainers
Enseignants professionnels, qualifiés et expérimentés
Small interactive session with an international atmosphere
Attestation de réussite sous forme d’un certificat de niveau CECRL

As a pioneer in language and intercultural communication for over 140 years, Berlitz uses innovative techniques to help you learn through flexible programs taught in-person and online where you’ll cultivate life-changing skills that can lead to enriching global travel, increased career opportunities and greater confidence.

"Merci à toute l'équipe et aussi à l'enseignant d'anglais pour la très bonne prise en charge ainsi que pour le très bon séjour qu'a passé ma fille à l'UCPA de Montalivet ! Ma fille est reboostée comme jamais. Elle est rentrée avec un superbe sourire et des envies d'apprendre l'anglais comme jamais."

- Valérie (Août 2018)
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